The RallyX Nordic competition is a real treat for rallycross fans from around the world. 10 regular competitors in the SuperCars class, 22 drivers who have started throughout the season. ...
Niezwykle pozytywnym zaskoczeniem było dla nas zobaczenie Marcina Wicika na liście startowej najważniejszego wydarzenia motoryzacyjnego w Polsce tego roku, czyli Gymkhana Grid 2019. Jest to konkurs wyczynowej jazdy po torze ...
Rallycross w Polsce cały czas się rozwija. Zawody cieszą się coraz większym powodzeniem – zarówno wśród kibiców, jak i zawodników. Widać bardzo duży progres organizacyjny. Organizatorzy pozyskują nowych sponsorów, angażują ...
Something ends, something begins… Worried about the fall of GRC? ARX can take its place. IMG, which manages the World and European Rallycross championships, will be managing the upstart Americas ...
Emocje przed pierwszą rundą zawodów sięgają zenitu. Nie można jednak zapominać o polskich kierowcach, podbijających zagraniczne tory. Do grona tego należy Robert Potyra, Mistrz British Rallycross Championships z 2016 roku w ...
Rallycross Championship site about rallycross car, rallycross driver and official standings. Globalrallycross is website about FIA World Rallycross Championship, Global Rallycross Championship, Americas Rallycross, Titans RX and Oponeo Polish Rallycross . On our site you will find the latest information on motorsport – especially the SuperCars, SuperNational, RX2 and SuperTouring class. The rallycross competition is one of the most exciting forms of closed races. The portal is created by enthusiasts who treat as the realization of their dreams.
On the website you can find reports on rallycross competitions as well as video broadcasts from the Championships. The main motto of the site is #WeAreRallycross – we want to create a community of people interested in rallycross. Lovers of various car brands will find something for themselves here. The site has a lot of photos, videos and technical specifications of BMW, AUDI, Mitsubishi, Subaru. SuperCars, SuperNational, Retro Rallycross, SC are taking part in rallycross competition.
Our photoreporters provide the latest news from the world of rallycross, including footage and photos. On Globalrallycross page you will find current results and information about the champions of the most important rallycross competitions around the world – World RX, GRC, ARX, NRX. We cooperate with Konrad Kodix Sieczkowski (Kodixfoto) who is professional motorsport photographer.
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